Thursday, March 18, 2010

When Sweathouse was a man

There is an old story that goes something like this:
There was a time when the only "People" on the surface of the earth were the "Animal People". Sweat house gathered all the "People" together and told them that there are different "People" coming, Mankind. He told them that the time had come to chose which form that they wanted to live in. So the elk came forward and Sweat house asked what he wanted to be. In which the elk replied "I want to be an elk". So sweat house said," Let me see you be an elk". So the elk gracefully ran off into the forest, not to be seen again. Then Sweat house called to the eagle and asked him what he wanted to be. The eagle said that he wanted to be an eagle. So Sweat house said," Let me see you be an eagle". So the eagle spread his wings and soared off into the sky to disappear. Then blue jay came forward and said that he wanted to be an eagle too! So Sweat house said," Let me see you be an eagle". So blue jay took off and tried to soar like an eagle but it wasn't long before he lost his balance and had to start flapping his wings to keep on flying. Sweat house told blue jay," You should be a blue jay because that's what you are. Then coyote stepped up and said that he wanted to be an elk. So Sweat house told coyote, "Let me see you be an elk". So coyote did his best to prance like an elk but it also wasn't long before he lost his balance and went back to his own gait. Sweat house told him that he is cunning and wise, and knows many things, so he should have known that he is coyote and always will be". So coyote ran off and Sweat house said to Himself, " I will lay down and wait for these "People" who are coming. To him that comes to me I will help." And so sweat house got down on his hands and knees and turned himself into a sweat house, where he waits...
I am what I am


  1. It's always interesting to read your posts. Takes me to the origins of every species on the planet!

  2. Mike: That was a neat story, it certainly points to where you got you saying.

  3. What a wonderful story Mike. I have a few books with stories like this and am always reading them over and over. I showed them to Gaelyn when she was here and she has a couple of the same ones.

    Thank you for all your kind comments on my blog while I was off on my travels. I did enjoy reading them and leaving a comment in return even though they are a bit late. :)

    Gaelyn and I had a WONDERFUL time. She is an excellent traveling companion. I even made her do some driving. :)

  4. I want to be a traveler, with you.
